The films “Get Out” and “Us” directed by Jordan Peele, alongside the narrative of “Wet Pain,” mark a transformative era in American cinema, challenging the notion of a post-racial society through the lens of horror and...
1. Mother India and Rang De Basanti explore the concept of freedom, both personal and national. How do the characters in each film define freedom, and what are they willing to sacrifice for it? 2. Both films juxtapose historical events with the present day. How do...
1. Mother India and Rang De Basanti explore the concept of freedom, both personal and national. How do the characters in each film define freedom, and what are they willing to sacrifice for it? 2. Both films juxtapose historical events with the present day. How do...
1. Does the auteur’s life (social class, politics, education, professional training) contribute to the thematic preoccupations of his/her art? 2. Does the auteur tend to collaborate with the same people, including actors (or types), from film to film? 3. Are...
After reviewing the article above on global sisterhood answer the following questions: What is global sisterhood and what is it supposed to represent? According to the author, how is this concept oppressive? What is a better alternative?