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Democracy Poetry

Record a poetic performance for your peers and upload it to YouTube.com. In the performance you will recite original poems specifically related to democracy or democratic experience or practice, including protest poetry or song. The poetry may be of any poetic form or...

Democracies in the 21st century

1) Which social theorist would best explain democracies in the 21st century? Why?2) During the COVID-19 pandemic, work (from certain jobs transitioning to work-from-home to unpaid labor within family units) has drastically changed. Do you think these changes will...

Political event management

This 10-12 page research paper (due December 18th) builds on what you’ve already practiced in your textanalysis papers. This time you’ll be choosing a biblical text that’s used in some form of media—in this case I’msuggesting that you choose a song or a political...
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