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Principles of Income Tax Law

Project description
Q2 needs to be finished ASAP and please refer to the style of the answer of Q1 and Q3 in the file that I upload to you late. (I had ask another writer to do the Q1 and Q3, but he/she disappear after the job finished:((( )

P.S. Just remind the job needs Australian tax law method!



Please note that the following will not form part of the word count:

?    References, including statute and cases;
?    Diagrams;
?    Tables;
?    Calculations.

You must complete all parts of the assignment – three (3) questions. Please complete the various parts of the assignment separately ie start each new question a new page. You should allocate the appropriate amount of words to the various questions in accordance with the recommendations in the box provided at the commencement of each new question. There is a strict word limit of 3,000 words for this assignment.

For the three (3) questions in the assignment you will be required to go beyond the study materials for this unit and you will be expected to conduct your own research of cases and other academic material upon which you should base your answer.

You are encouraged to use headings for purposes of clarity and presentation of your assignment. It is however, essential that your assignment is written in full sentences and not ‘dot/bullet point’ format. If you use any equations in solving the problem question please make sure that you cite the correct sections of the relevant legislation and that you outline your entire working.

You must begin each question separately. It is however essential that you place your name and student number and the question number on each question which you complete.

Regarding referencing, you will find the Australian Guide to Legal Citation (AGLC) style of referencing in the following web site:


Please note that this AGLC style is intended for Law students and although it is preferred that you follow it, marks will not be deducted for not citing cases etc exactly as described. In other words, whilst you must reference, you can choose to use other referencing styles (ie not necessarily the AGLC style) if you wish.

SUBMISSION: You must submit both an electronic version of your assignment in addition to submitting a hard copy of your assignment. The electronic copy of your assignment and the hard copy of your assignment must be identical. If there are any differences between your electronic assignment and your hard copy assignment your electronic assignment will be marked.

Extensions to the due date are not granted lightly, as this will disrupt the marking process, and is unfair to most students who have complied with the submission deadline.  In other words, extensions are seldom given – they are only granted in the most exceptional unforeseeable circumstances. If you are experiencing serious and exceptional circumstances that are beyond your control at least three working days prior to the due date to negotiate an extension. When considering the granting of extensions the fact that students have had several weeks to complete the assignments prior to the due date will be taken into account.

Late Submissions: If you submit an assignment late (with no extension granted/none applied for), 10% of your mark will be deducted per calendar day from the due date (eg for a 40 mark assignment, each day an assignment is late will result in a penalty of 4 marks being deducted).

Once assignments have been marked and feedback provided, no further assignment can be accepted.

The assignments must be completed individually and in the following style and format:

Assignment Style:
Font:        Times New Roman or Arial;
Font size:     11 or 12 point;
Line spacing:     1.5 line spacing or Double spacing;
Format:     Assignments are to be presented/submitted in MS Word format only.

Please note in the interests of equity to all students, academic staff will not be able to provide any assistance with the questions in this case study.

DUE DATE: 11:59pm Monday 15 September 2014



On 1 July 2010, Suzette sold the farm she had purchased 25 years earlier and moved to the north coast of New South Wales where she rented a house, intending to retire. She also purchased a hectare of land on the waterfront. She soon became bored with nothing much to do in retirement. In order to more fully provide funds for her retirement and by way of investment, Suzette had much consultation with, and subsequently commissioned a builder in October 2012 to design and build eight townhouses on the land she owned on the waterfront. Suzette also consulted her accountant at this time and asked him to provide details of the expected rental return from the lease of seven of the units, as she intended to live in one of them.

The units were completed in May 2013. Suzette was successful in leasing five of the units on a short-term basis. In October 2013 she successfully applied to have each of the units changed to ‘strata titles’ and by the end of December 2013, four of the units had been sold. With the proceeds Suzette purchased an adjoining block of land, with the intention of building more units.

Advise Suzette of the income tax implications of the above transactions (ignore any Capital Gains Tax implications).



Thang purchased an investment property in Perth during February 2006 for $200,000. He paid stamp duty of $10,000 at that time. He had no trouble finding tenants for the property. In August 2013 Thang required a new tenant for the property. Because of strong demand for rental housing, Thang was able to get a new tenant to pay him a lump sum ‘up front’ amount of $2,000 (in addition to the annual rental) for entering into a 12 month lease. However, in January 2014 the tenant wanted to be released early from this lease. The tenant and Thang agreed that the lease would be terminated early in exchange for the tenant giving Thang $3,000. On May 3, 2014 Thang entered into a contract to sell this property for $700,000; this sale was settled in June 2014.

Thang also enjoyed being a businessman. As a result, during September 2006, Thang purchased 100% of the shares in a company called Hong Pty Ltd for $2 million. Hong Pty Ltd owned and operates a pillow-manufacturing factory.

In February 2014 Thang sold his shares in Hong Pty Ltd for $4 million. At this time Hong Pty Ltd’s assets were as follows:
•    Pillow manufacturing plant and factory     $2,500,000
•    Goodwill     $1,500,000
Annual turnover for the company has been consistently around $2.5m per year for a number of years.

In June 2014, Thang (who was aged 53 at the time) purchased Julian Pty Ltd, for $350,000. The assets of Julian Pty Ltd were as follows:
•    a Bed and Breakfast accommodation    $290,000
•    a 10 % share in Investment property     $60,000
At the time of the sale of Hong Pty Ltd, Thang and his spouse held the following assets (other than the shares in Hong Pty Ltd):
Car (used 50% for his business)    $50,000
Property in Melbourne (Thang lives in this property)    $850,000
Investment Property in Perth    $700,000
Superannuation    $1,450,000

Thang’s spouse
Investment Property in Sydney    $600,000

For all transactions in this question discuss only the Capital Gains Tax implications.

Refer to all of the relevant sections of legislation, cases and any other scholarly material when providing advice to Thang. Advise Thang on:
•    Any Capital Gains Tax liabilities for him in relation to his activities;
•    Specifically, make sure that your discussion includes advice on whether Thang can take advantage of the small business concessions to reduce the amount of tax payable on the sale of Hong Pty Ltd.



The Australian government recently enacted laws in its 2014 Budget to reform the Family Payment system that is currently in place. Reforms have also been applied to eligible income support recipients in relation to the Education Entry Payment.


Discuss both of the following:
i) Explain what the law was regarding the Family Payment system and Education Entry Payment prior to the changes put forward, and the nature of the abovementioned changes. Your explanation should indicate when these new measures will begin and cease (if applicable).

ii) From a policy perspective, consider whether it is desirable to implement these changes. Please consider this in the context of fairness, efficiency, equality, protection of government revenue and any other relevant considerations.


Sample Answer

Compelling correspondence is essential to the achievement all things considered but since of the changing idea of the present working environments, successful correspondence turns out to be more troublesome, and because of the numerous impediments that will permit beneficiaries to acknowledge the plan of the sender It is restricted. Misguided judgments.In spite of the fact that correspondence inside the association is rarely completely open, numerous straightforward arrangements can be executed to advance the effect of these hindrances.

Concerning specific contextual analysis, two significant correspondence standards, correspondence channel determination and commotion are self-evident. This course presents the standards of correspondence, the act of general correspondence, and different speculations to all the more likely comprehend the correspondence exchanges experienced in regular daily existence. The standards and practices that you learn in this course give the premise to additionally learning and correspondence.

This course starts with an outline of the correspondence cycle, the method of reasoning and hypothesis. In resulting modules of the course, we will look at explicit use of relational connections in close to home and expert life. These incorporate relational correspondence, bunch correspondence and dynamic, authoritative correspondence in the work environment or relational correspondence. Rule of Business Communication In request to make correspondence viable, it is important to follow a few rules and standards. Seven of them are fundamental and applicable, and these are clear, finished, brief, obliging, right, thought to be, concrete. These standards are frequently called 7C for business correspondence. The subtleties of these correspondence standards are examined underneath: Politeness Principle: When conveying, we should build up a cordial relationship with every individual who sends data to us.

To be inviting and polite is indistinguishable, and politeness requires an insightful and amicable activity against others. Axioms are notable that gracious “pay of graciousness is the main thing to win everything”. Correspondence staff ought to consistently remember this. The accompanying standards may assist with improving courtesy:Preliminary considering correspondence with family All glad families have the mystery of progress. This achievement originates from a strong establishment of closeness and closeness. Indeed, through private correspondence these cozy family connections become all the more intently. Correspondence is the foundation of different affiliations, building solid partners of obedient devotion, improving family way of life, and assisting with accomplishing satisfaction (Gosche, p. 1). In any case, so as to keep up an amicable relationship, a few families experienced tumultuous encounters. Correspondence in the family is an intricate and alluring marvel. Correspondence between families isn’t restricted to single messages between families or verbal correspondence.

It is a unique cycle that oversees force, closeness and limits, cohesiveness and flexibility of route frameworks, and makes pictures, topics, stories, ceremonies, rules, jobs, making implications, making a feeling of family life An intelligent cycle that makes a model. This model has passed ages. Notwithstanding the view as a family and family automatic framework, one of the greatest exploration establishments in between family correspondence centers around a family correspondence model. Family correspondence model (FCP) hypothesis clarifies why families impart in their own specific manner dependent on one another ‘s psychological direction. Early FCP research established in media research is keen on how families handle broad communications data. Family correspondence was perceived as an exceptional scholastic exploration field by the National Communications Association in 1989. Family correspondence researchers were at first impacted by family research, social brain science, and relational hypothesis, before long built up the hypothesis and began research in a family framework zeroed in on a significant job. Until 2001, the primary issue of the Family Communication Research Journal, Family Communication Magazine, was given. Family correspondence is more than the field of correspondence analysts in the family. Examination on family correspondence is normally done by individuals in brain science, humanism, and family research, to give some examples models. However, as the popular family correspondence researcher Leslie Baxter stated, it is the focal point of this intelligent semantic creation measure making the grant of family correspondence special. In the field of in-home correspondence, correspondence is normally not founded on autonomous messages from one sender to one beneficiary, yet dependent on the dynamic interdependency of data shared among families It is conceptualized. The focal point of this methodology is on the shared trait of semantic development inside family frameworks. As such, producing doesn’t happen in vacuum, however it happens in a wide scope of ages and social exchange.

Standards are rules end up being followed when performing work to agree to a given objective. Hierarchical achievement relies significantly upon compelling correspondence. So as to successfully impart, it is important to follow a few standards and rules. Coming up next are rules to guarantee powerful correspondence: clearness: lucidity of data is a significant guideline of correspondence. For beneficiaries to know the message plainly, the messages ought to be sorted out in a basic language. To guarantee that beneficiaries can without much of a stretch comprehend the importance of the message, the sender needs to impart unmistakably and unhesitatingly so the beneficiary can plainly and unquestionably comprehend the data.>

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