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After reading Ch. 3 in the Collins/Kanashiro text, Gansan’s assigned Ch. 2 & 3, and the Barbosa & de Oliveira (2021) article (link on syllabus) … respond to one of the following questions with 2 full analytical paragraphs of solid arguments to...


After reading Ch. 3 in the Collins/Kanashiro text, Gansan’s assigned Ch. 2 & 3, and the Barbosa & de Oliveira (2021) article (link on syllabus) … respond to one of the following questions with 2 full analytical paragraphs of solid arguments to...


After reading Ch. 3 in the Collins/Kanashiro text, Gansan’s assigned Ch. 2 & 3, and the Barbosa & de Oliveira (2021) article (link on syllabus) … respond to one of the following questions with 2 full analytical paragraphs of solid arguments to...


For each text write a two page summary based on the skill of Application: It is the skill in which the student makes abstractions of concepts, theories, formulas, and methods from a piece of communication.Then apply them to a certain situation.Prospectus: The...


For each text write a two page summary of your understanding and interpretation of the reading based on Marketing. A total of 5 text. Pre-test (Pages 5 – 18)Exercise I (Pages 33- 40)Exercise II (Pages 41-50)Exercise III ( Pages 51-63)Post text (Pages...


COMPETENCIES3013.1.1 : Marketing FunctionThe graduate analyzes the global market to identify opportunities to gain competitive advantage through marketing activities.3013.1.2 : Customer Relationship ManagementThe graduate recommends customer relationship management...
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