Your reflection should focus on how your understanding of Public Health changed over the course of the term, and you should compare your knowledge, perceptions, and attitudes at the beginning of this unit with how you feel at the end. You should also reflect...
Choose a Public Health issue of your choice (e.g. HIV, obesity, poverty, mental health or any other issue) and define Public Health for the general population. Use pop culture such as entertainment which includes movies, music, TV; sports, news as in...
Choose a Public Health issue of your choice (e.g. HIV, obesity, poverty, mental health or any other issue) and define Public Health for the general population. Use pop culture such as entertainment which includes movies, music, TV; sports, news as in...
One of the growing concerns in U.S. public health circles is the increase in the number of individuals infected with the HIV virus. The populations on the sharpest rise are young adults and African-Americans. Additionally, areas such as the Southeastern United...
Your community is about to undertake a community health assessment and you have been tasked to review and improve the list of community health profile indicators proposed for this process. These include the Health People 2020 Leading Health indicators and the...