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Discipline and a profession

Nurse scholars have claimed that nursing is both a discipline and a profession. In order to understand these claims, we must first know what it means for nursing to have a “unique body of knowledge.” If we assume that nursing does, indeed, possess a unique...

Evaluating professional ethics

          When discussing and evaluating professional ethics, it is essential to understand the purpose, terminology, and repercussions of professional misconduct. The American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA) code of professional conduct is the gold...

How the failure of ethical leadership impacted the company.

              Select an article of a high-profile event that discusses how the failure of ethical leadership impacted the company. Select an article that discusses corporate culture and governance of the company or business organization. Use the Unit II Template , and...

Ethical issues in nursing

Nurses face many types of ethical issues. · Describe an ethical situation you have witnessed or potentially could experience within your nursing practice. · Compare two ethics concepts discussed in week 2 content. · Describe an ethical theory or principle that could...

Ethics In The Courts

Complete the following: Discuss your understanding of the duties of a probation officer.List and discuss three ethical dilemmas faced by probation officers.Discuss three ways probation officers can avoid those dilemmas.Choose three codes of ethics, and in your own...
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