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Determining democracy

Does democracy require equality of income or wealth? Discuss why democracy might make a country more or less egalitarian?

Sedition Act of 1798

Write: In your essay of at least three pages, you will draw connections from the Sedition Act of 1798 to the concepts of governmental control discussed this week in your course text, A Novel Approach to Politics, by addressing the following:• Describe the Sedition Act...

The Prevention Of Human Trafficking And Policy And Politics

Most of the services/support provided for human trafficking (HT) victims come after they have been trafficked and can be considered secondary interventions. Review some of the possible risk factors associated with becoming an HT victim, and discuss some possible...

The legend of King Arthur

The legend of King Arthur is well-known in literature. Based on Unsolved Mysteries of History, there is little to suggest it is true. Do you think it is important for people to believe in legends like King Arthur even if there is little evidence to support them? Why...

How mass media affect politics

• How does mass media affect politics?• The influence of technological advancement on media.• What ethics serve well in a journalism career?
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