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Political factors present today

Choose one of the topics that was covered in this week’s chapter. Find a current research study or article about a research study from the past year that is relevant to the topic. The Strayer library is a good place to start: research.strayer.edu.Post the link to your...

Political ideals – liberty, equality, and democracy

ESSAY PROMPTFor each of the following political ideals – liberty, equality, and democracy: FIRST, define what constitutes these political ideals [what do they mean objectively AND what do they mean to you subjectively]; SECOND, discuss the ways each of these ideals...

Political Economy

I. Introduction II. Direct Democracy III. Representative Democracy IV. Government Growth V. Conclusion

Barriers to voting in Texas

What are some of the past and more recent barriers to voting in Texas? (Bespecific) What accounts for the low level of voter participation in Texas? What can bedone to increase voter participation?(Specifically discuss at least two policy proposals that election...

US national politics

People vote for politicians in the hope that they will enact the policies that they promised during the electioncampaign. As you have learned this semester, US politics and policy making is complicated, cumbersome, andslow. Even when a party wins control of both...
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