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What is Tmax?

• What is Tmax?• Which peak in a pyrolysis (RockEval or Hawk) is interpreted to obtain Tmax?• How is Tmax relevant? Why does it matter that weunderstand this in organic shales?

Extraction techniques used to remove fluids

What are the two main extraction techniques used to remove fluids for core analysis and how do they differ? These are the two main methods in the MRP workflow developed by the WDVG lab.

Insitu water saturation in unconventionals

What logs can be used to obtain a more representative insitu water saturation in unconventionals? What feature of the rock could affect the resistivity response that may skew the saturation interpretation? Remember the different types of resistivity tools, which...

Electromagnetism, Electromagnetic Waves, and Optics

Choose a discussion topic that uses physics topics covered in this module. Consider one of the following as good topic “starters” for discussion:(i) Whatwere your “Aha!” moments as you worked through the material? How does this module’s content...

Removing Contamination at Nuclear Facility Site

The Use of Silicate minerals in Removing Contamination at Nuclear Facility Site Steps to carry out the experiments:Soil preparation (references for quantities and other proportions and on what basis).contamination preparation using (references for quantities and other...
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