Listen to the recording of The Moldau, by Smetana and answer the following questions:● What is the character of the returning Moldau theme? Soft and gentle? Proud, playful, angry?● How many times is the theme played?● During which scenes (hunt, wedding, moonlight, or...
Which of the following best characterizes the Ontological Argument for the existence of God? a. If God exists, then God is perfect. b. The nature of God is different fro different people of different cultures and religious backgrounds. c. The world must have been...
Explain Locke’s view that we can have knowledge of an external world despite our being directly aware only of sense data. Do you agree with him, or do you side with his critics who say that we can know only the contents of our minds?Why does Berkeley deny the...
How, according to Gill, do some philosophers argue that the moral foundations of the medical profession prohibit physicians from assisting in a patient’s suicide? How does Gill respond? What are the social attitudes toward suicide that Callahan mentions? Do you think...
Confucianism and Buddhism are perhaps the two most important philosophical traditions of the Axial Age. Explain the foundations of these two religions. What was the religious and social context from which they sprouted? Explain what belief and philosophical systems...