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Personal Nursing Philosophy

As an art and a science, how has your personal nursing philosophy unfolded?Have there been ideas that have challenged your personal values or assumptions?Have there been ideas that have caused you personal conflict and may lead to deconstructing thosedispositions in a...

What Philosophy Means to You

Complete the “What Is Your Philosophy?” survey in the Resources.Review the branches of philosophy as described in the “What is Philosophy” Resource.Consider which statements were the hardest to respond to and why.Reflect on how these difficult dilemmas relate to each...

Identifying Truth or Fiction

Carefully define the terms ‘science’ and ‘pseudoscience’. Thoroughly explain the difference between them and provide your references. Make sure to distinguish ‘pseudo-science’ from just plain falsehoods or fairytales. Also, give at...

Public attitudes and perceptions of American Satanism

Compare and contrast public attitudes and perceptions of American Satanism on the one hand and Vodou/Santeria on the other. What factors (historical, cultural, racial, economic, political) contribute to these attitudes and perceptions? SOURCES: (user: nym291 pass:...


Recall that epistemology is the branch of philosophy concerned with knowledge. In the study of epistemology, philosophers are concerned with the epistemological shift. This is the idea that one has shifted, or changed, the way he or she takes in knowledge. For...

Informal fallacies

Find three different informalfallacies. Reference where you found them and the context in which they occurred. Identify thefallacy and explain why it is a fallacy. Be sure to pick clear examples and not borderline cases.
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