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Old scientific theory be abandoned

Under what conditions should an old scientific theory be abandoned? Under what conditions should a new scientific theory be embraced? Is science rational? Rationally progressive? Why or why not? Is scientific knowledge even possible?  

The relationship between education and happiness

There is some question about the relationship between education and happiness. You are all students at an advanced level, and you have experienced better and worse moments in life. Has education helped you to be happy, or might it even have gotten in the way? Was...

Happy in a world where others are miserable

  Can we not be happy in a world where others are miserable? Conversely, can happiness ever stem from the misery of others? How widely do our sympathies extend? Are conditions today such that, even if we ourselves are privileged, we cannot distance ourselves from the...

It was the best of times

  “It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity, it was the season of light, it was the season of darkness, it was the spring of hope, it was...

Kantian ethicist

Judy is considering cheating on her husband and asks you, a Kantian ethicist, for advice. Offer advice to Judy using both formulations of the Categorical Imperative

The compatibilist conception of free

In his soul-making theodicy, Philosopher John Hick argues that the compatibilist conception of free will can’t provide the kind of genuine moral agency needed for soul-making. Explain Hick’s reasoning on this point, and explain why Libertarian freedom is a vital...
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