The meaning of life. The challenges and difficulties inherent in human life, and why it matters. Moderately intelligent, moderately interesting. Have a particular standpoint in trying to defend or explain to convince the audience to concur with the argument. The...
What would be the reasonable options in the following scenario? Which would utility say is the best choice, spelling out the consequences to show why? Is the answer proposed by utilitarianism, the morally correct choice? Imagine you are the loss prevention officer at...
Taking its namesake from the famous ancient Greek gadfly, the Socratic method involves teachers testing a student’s knowledge of a subject matter by asking challenging questions. For example, when Socrates wanted his student Theatetus to define “knowledge” he...
In “Equality for Animals?”, Peter Singer argues that “speciesism” is an unjustified prejudice. What is “speciesism”? Why does Singer think that speciesism is an unjustified prejudice akin to racism or sexism? Do you agree with Singer? Why/why not? It should be...
Describe the two conceptions of self-love or selfishness that Aristotle discusses. What role do reason and virtue play in each conception? What is Aristotle’s ethical evaluation of each conception? Do Aristotle’s views on what he considers to be the fundamental,...