In this forum, tell us about how media, technology, and the corporate world influence your life. What types of media/technology are in your life every day, which do you rely on, spend the most time with, wish you could do without, etc.? How does it feel to be part...
Discuss the different ways in which Feuerbach and Marx express optimism about the progress and future possibilities of human beings. What views do they share about religion, humanism, and progress? Consider that Feuerbach sees religion as an early stage of...
Discuss Arendt’s description of the ideas of Plato as “invisible spiritual yardsticks” that support ethics and public authority. What role does Arendt assign to Plato’s “tales of the hereafter” (his account of an afterlife, or “Hades”)? Arendt argues that moral and...
Provide a description of one aspect, issue, or argument within Heidegger’s philosophy of mind.For example, one of the key themes. Clearly and fully explain the position of the Heidigger on the mind and what led him to that position. (This could be the result of...
Two of the religions that we have studied in the second half of the class (Confucianism/Daoism, Shintoism, Zoroastrianism, Judaism, Christianity, Islam, Sikhism, or one of the New Religious Movements of your choice) and compare and contrast their world outlooks,...