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Plato’s Republic about art and imitation.

      Read the first two-thirds of Book X from Plato’s Republic about art and imitation. Describe how this conversation between Socrates and Glaucon relates to the Allegory of the Cave? Given the information about reality, illusion and the arts from both...

Ethical Traditions

  700-word essay on a nontraditional or nonwestern system of ethics. identifying any distinctive features.  

Life is not determined by consciousness, but consciousness by life

      “What does Marx mean when he says that ‘life is not determined by consciousness, but consciousness by life?’” Your answer should show how Marx thinks he has corrected the problems he finds in Hegel. In order to illustrate Marx’s idea, use an example from our...

Brand yourself

  You are going to brand yourself. The brand should reveal your mission, your values, your dreams, and an essential spirit of yourself. To aid in this, you will use the SWOT Model found in Chapter 10 (p. 330-331). Your project, which will be ONE document, will have 5...

Plato’s Utopian vision for a just society.

        Explain Plato’s Utopian vision for a just society. In your view, what would be some of the beneficial or harmful effects of a society based solely on merit, as Plato proposed?
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