Both Locke and Rousseau begin their meditations on government by positing a “state of nature,” but end up in dramatically different places: Locke focuses on the individual and property relations, while Rousseau concerns himself with the so-called “general will” and...
Write a 4-6 page essay that critically applies 2 moral theories from this course to a contemporary moral issue. Your essay should provide an informative explanation of the moral theories you are applying, as well as an explanation of a contemporary moral issue of...
You will need to read PLATO’S DIALOGUE ‘EUTHYPHRO LSO for question 5, the following YOUTUBE VIDEO is relevant to the question and will need to be viewed. Link: A LIST, OR A FEW SENTENCES, SUFFICE TO...
How can evolution by natural selection help explain consciousness? Detail your answer.Read: Darwin 101.pdfWatch: PIVOTAL CONSCIOUSNESS DARWIN’S DNA CHARLES DARWIN...