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Increasing cost of goods and services

discuss: Knowing that my husband is an avid news follower, I read my assignment to him and asked for his suggestion. He threw out a few things: the war, gas prices, and the cost of living. I chose inflation because the community that my facility currently serves...

A child’s overall development is nutrition.

One of the things that impact a child’s overall development is nutrition. Explain why nutrition is important for child development, and how it has evolved within the family unit. Apply this concept to the lifestyle of busy parents and the impact it has had on...

How the food banks improved efficiency

Listen this episode of the Planet Money podcast, Summer School 2: Markets and Pickles. You can find it on your phone and listen while you fold laundry (it’s 31 minutes). Respond each of the following prompts. Total response should be 100-200 words (due 4/11)...

Good Food

Using the topic of Good Food, write the main idea statement, and then list two major points tosupport your idea, with three minor points/details to support each one. Remember that the mainidea statement is like a topic sentence or thesis statement—it must give you...


Create a PowerPoint presentation of no more than 15 slides that reflect your understanding of the three macronutrients discussed in this module: Carbohydrates, Lipids, and Proteins. Be creative! Each slide should include information about each macronutrient....
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