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Home Food Safety Manual

create a home food safety manual. As you know, foodborne illness is a widespread problem, not only in the United States, but around the world. Prior to beginning this course, you may have thought that foodborne illnesses were only caused by restaurants or food...

Making lifestyle and behavioral changes

Nadir is 35 years old and loves his job as a computer programmer. He’s gained about 15 lb since he graduated from college, but he thinks that’s probably normal. He loves eating out and is very glad he can now afford to do so two or three times a week. He never really...

At your local grocery store

At your local grocery store, choose three main-course prepared foods (for example, frozen dinner entrees, frozen pizzas, prepared pastas, stews, and so forth) with labels. These MUST be protein based food products. You do not have to purchase these products. The items...

Functional areas impacting the food and beverage service

. Critically examine the different functional areas impacting the food and beverageservice industry and the related decision making; Critically evaluate the feasibility of various components of a food and beveragerelated to the business plan, and gain an understanding...

Nutrition Information and Misinformation

Consumers obtain much of their nutrition information from the internet, television news, and magazine articles. What we eat every day is influenced by many factors. After studying Module 1: Lecture Materials & Resources, answer the following: Introduce yourself:...
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