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Judicial decisions

          Discuss whether judicial decisions are based on a) facts, laws, and precedent (the legal subculture); b) public opinion, politics, localism (democratic subculture); or c) both. Provide specific examples and cite any sources used. Discuss whether the four...

Judicial decisions

          Discuss whether judicial decisions are based on a) facts, laws, and precedent (the legal subculture); b) public opinion, politics, localism (democratic subculture); or c) both. Provide specific examples and cite any sources used. Discuss whether the four...

Medicare and Medicaid are federal programs

Medicare and Medicaid are federal programs that cover a large proportion of the US population with healthcare. The two have similar objectives in the area of providing care, but there are significant differences in them that concern reimbursement. Tasks:Describe each...

The Intelligence cycle

  Discussed the Intelligence cycle and defend either the continued use of the cycle or should the cycle be obsolete/redesigned.        

Victimless crimes

Write a 200-250 words, Barkan talks about victimless crimes. He suggests that there are two critical questions that should be addressed when considering victimless crimes: “(1) In a free society, to what degree should the state prohibit behaviors in which people want...
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