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UAE Strategic Actions

Case:The UAE has recently signed strategic partnership agreements with countries, and after signing them, trade exchange between the UAE and those countries has increased.Early high-level analysis and reading on the subject is that these agreements are a cover for...

William E. Blackstone Assignment

RESEARCH PAPER: WILLIAM E. BLACKSTONE ASSIGNMENT INSTRUCTIONSOVERVIEWWilliam Eugene Blackstone is a largely forgotten figure of 19th century American life, but his particular brand of Christian faith subsequently helped to launch an important movement of evangelical...

Japan or Japanese foreign policy

Start your assignment with an introductory paragraph about your research topic: Japan or Japanese foreign policy and why it is of interest and a research “puzzle”. End your paragraph with your research question. While there are many ways to frame a...

Liberal hegemony

    “Has the pursuit of a grand strategy of “liberal hegemony” undermined American power? Illustrate with one case.” Through the lenses of liberalism.  

A President’s Intelligence Brief (PDB)

One of the essential activities of the President is to receive a daily intelligence brief. Your task this week is to prepare one where you alert him on the most current threats and/or trends in terrorism.A President’s Intelligence Brief (PDB) is a specialized...
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