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Border and Coastal Security

  The goal of this paper is for you to write your opinion on Border and Coastal Security without using first or second person. This paper is your opinion, and as such, it is your job to express your thoughts in a manner that is comprehensible and clear for any and all...

How was DHS formed

  Choose a topic that relates to the materials covered during your studies of the Homeland Security world.  This is your opportunity to explore in-depth a topic that you have a greater interest in. Feel free to explore the world of Homeland Security and write about...

The greatest threat stem

  Do Weapons of Mass Destruction pose a threat to the United States? If so, where does the greatest threat stem from?  

A counter-WMD strategy

  Compare and contrast the two articles in the week 3 readings by Al Mauroni – (2010) A counter-WMD strategy for the future and (2022) Envisioning a new strategy to counter great power use of weapons of mass destruction. Has his perspective changed? In what...
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