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The First Rule of Punk

In detailed paragraphs (one paragraph for each response), answer two or more ofthe following questions to the best of your ability. Please bring your ownthoughts and feelings to your responses. 1. The First Rule of Punk explores the theme of social justice...

The Bridge Home

In detailed paragraphs (one paragraph for each response), answer two or more of thefollowing questions to the best of your ability. Please bring your own thoughts and feelingsto your responses. 1. The Bridge Home explores the theme of disability through the character...

Come Up delves into the theme of race

In detailed paragraphs (one paragraph for each response), answer two or more of thefollowing questions to the best of your ability. Please bring your own thoughts and feelings toyour responses. 1. On the Come Up delves into the theme of race through the experiences of...


For this essay, please address the topic “Community” from the perspective of one of the subject areas within the Social Science. Your essay should address one of the essential questions the discipline focuses on tries to answer. Your essay is to be...

2001: A Space Odyssey (1968)

Movies for Film Analysis:Please refer to IMDB.com, TCM.com, or other reputable sites for background information about the filmIf you have read a play or novel for the literary analysis by the same title, you are welcome and encouraged to compare the two versions;...

Love with the Proper Stranger

Movies for Film Analysis: The Dirty Dozen (1967)Please refer to IMDB.com, TCM.com, or other reputable sites for background information about the filmIf you have read a play or novel for the literary analysis by the same title, you are welcome and encouraged to compare...
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