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Physician Assisted Suicide

  Compare the perspectives of two different authors on the chosen topic with research from a minimum of two sources. “Title” & Link to article: 1. What Is Physician-Assisted Suicide, and Why Should You Care About It? by Natalie Allen...

Rhetorical analysis

Please rhetorically analyze ONE of the following speeches for this assignment. All speeches can be found within the “Opposing Viewpoints” database connected to this course. See the “Banner” to access the “Opposing Viewpoints” link. “I Co-Founded Facebook....

Andragogy Versus Pedagogy

Explain and define andragogy and the theory behind it and then compare and contrast andragogy with pedagogy. Finally, explain what is important to remember about effectively planning to teach adult learners.      

The validity of Alexander’s argument

  As indicated on the syllabus, this assignment will require you to write a 2-4 page essay that makes an argument concerning the book The New Jim Crow. For this assignment, you will be expected to conform to the general outlines given in the syllabus (such as adhering...

Prayers for Bobby

  Personal Response paragraph 300 words. Prayers for Bobby directed by Russell Mulcahy (https://youtu.be/sqIF50lSNVo: Entire film on YouTube, for now) It will be a paragraph focused on one aspect of what would be your overall argument in a paragraph. Thus, your...

Redesigning America’s Community Colleges

Craft and develop an academic argument using a thesis statement, effective topicsentences, developed paragraphs, credible evidence, and knowledgeable and persuasive discussion.The PromptYour essay needs to take a position on the following prompt:According to their...
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