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The difference between base and variable pay.

          Explain the difference between base and variable pay. Discuss compensation philosophies and how they can impact an organization. Examine how pay surveys are used in developing a base pay system.

Consumer promotions.

          Companies use many forms of consumer promotions. Discuss two forms of consumer promotions you have recently experienced. Discuss the role of personal selling in promoting products. What advantages does personal selling offer over other forms of promotion? As...

Everyday low pricing

Discuss “everyday low pricing”. Besides Walmart, what other companies do you believe have been able to use this pricing strategy to great success?Market-skimming pricing is used many times when companies invent new products and first introduce them to the market. List...

A supply curve

What does a supply curve illustrate? Other than its own price, what are the determinants of the supply of a commodity. What would make a supply curve shift to the right? Imagine that the market for orange juice is in equilibrium at a price of $8 per gallon. Provide...

Promoting free trade with other trading partners

Should America encourage free trade with its trading partners or seek a more protectionist approach? Take a stand on this issue. It is not enough to argue BOTH sides of the issue. Support your opinion with good economic reasoning. Who benefits from your approach and...
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