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Hewlett-Packard (H-P)

          Hewlett-Packard (H-P) has enormous installed base of printers in customer organizations, large and small, all over the world. How could H-P capitalize on this installed base and develop some innovative, hybrid...

Discussion – Intro to Data Mining

            This week our topic shifts to the classification concepts in chapter four. Therefore, answer the following questions: 1. What are the various types of classifiers? 2. What is a rule-based classifier? 3. What is the difference between nearest neighbor and...

Justify a strategic information system

  Is IT a strategic weapon or a survival tool? Discuss. 5. Why might it be difficult to justify a strategic information system? 6. Describe the five forces in Porters competitive forces model and explain how increased access to high-speed internet has affected each...

Big Data Means Big Potential, Challenges for Nurse Execs.

      Review the Resources and reflect on the web article Big Data Means Big Potential, Challenges for Nurse Execs. Reflect on your own experience with complex health information access and management and consider potential challenges and risks you may have...

The right to privacy for citizens

Should the government be allowed to enlist the assistance of private companies to capture telecommunications data? What limits should be placed on the kinds of data captured? Does the need to prevent terrorism outweigh the right to privacy for citizens? Where is the...
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