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The importance of data in organization

          Considering the importance of data in organization, it is absolutely essential to secure the data present in the database. What are the strategic and technical security measures for good database security? Be sure to discuss at least one security model to...

Big data

  Describe your understanding of big data and give an example of how you’ve seen big data used either personally or professionally. In your view, what demands is big data placing on organizations and data management technology? How does big data affect a global...

The major components of a blockchain.

              Explain the major components of a blockchain. Be sure to include how blockchain is affecting the global economy and how you see it growing in the future.  


            Define firmware. Describe the bootup sequence of a computer with particular reference to the BIOS found in IBM-compatible personal computers. The answer should include the following points: IEEE definition of firmware Commands executed upon system booting...
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