Dollar Shave Club made inroads in the men’s shaving products category by positioning itself as a less expensive (but comparable quality) alternative to the market leader, Gillette. In addition, Dollar Shave Club’s quirky advertisements created contrast...
Petersen & Peterson Company is a 6-year-old company founded by Jackson Peterson and Mary Peterson to exploit metamaterial plasmonic technology to develop and manufacture miniature microwave frequency directional transmitters and receivers for use in mobile...
Using the same publicly traded company you used in the Environmental Scanning Interactive Assignment (ExxonMobil), and the downloadable Operating Budget Template Download Operating Budget Template, research the company online by accessing the Mergent University of...
The executives interviewed in the assigned article, “Making Mergers Succeed,” were generally positive with respect to the success of M&A activity. In contrast, much of the evidence cited in Chapter 1 of the textbook( DePamphilis, D. (2015). Mergers,...
Establishing credit and maintaining your creditworthiness are essential to your financial well-being. Good credit allows you to obtain loans and acquire assets that you otherwise might not be able to attain. This project will help you to examine your credit. If...