Select an organization that has changed its prices for its product or service. Research the topic and discuss the following questions: · What caused the organization to change its prices? Was dynamic pricing used? · What were the results of the price change? · How...
Select an organization that has changed its prices for its product or service. Research the topic and discuss the following questions: • What caused the organization to change its prices? Was dynamic pricing used? • What were the results of the price change? •...
1. In this case, Diamond Foods was accused of “managing earnings” in an unethical manner. Provide two specific examples of how a company could ethically improve net income. 2. a. Why do you think accounting personnel (the “finance team”)...
Using the Internet, research acquisitions that are currently underway and choose one of these acquisitions to discuss. Based on the firms’ characteristics and experiences and the reasons cited to support the acquisition, do you feel it will result in...
write two action memos (roughly 750-1000 words) on (Non-Motorized transportation In Toronto area). It can focus on walking, biking, electric vehicles, pick one. The memo should make clear and specific recommendations that consider the opportunities and challenges...