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Uber acted ethically towards its stakeholders

  In your opinion has Uber acted ethically towards its stakeholders? Does Uber have any obligation to society? Think about in your answer the benefits Uber provides society in your way of thinking. Uber has taken the position of “principled confrontation”...

Research methods

  Compose a comparative article (two-page minimum) discussing the research methods, comparing the difference between quantitative and qualitative focus, and describing the relevance of the mixed focus.

Bonds, mutual funds, or other investment types

  · Explain the progress you are making toward completing the Investment Portfolio paper that is due in Week 4. · Explain what stocks, bonds, mutual funds, or other investment types you might incorporate into your overall portfolio.

App/technology tool description, tool location

    Create a matrix detailing five multimedia, technology, games, apps, and other technological tools for teaching reading and writing to struggling readers/writers. In 100-150 words per tool, address the following: App/technology tool description, tool location...

Forecasting, SWOT, or PESTEL

How attractive is the primary industry this firm operates in based on the 5 forces? 2. Does the structure of this industry suggest the firm will be able to generate above average returns in the future? 3. What variables in the Forecasting, SWOT, or PESTEL analyses...

Concept Map 4 Patho

        Create a concept map for one of the topics from the list below: Acute Renal Failure Polycystic Kidney Disease – Autosomal Dominant Polycystic Kidney Disease (ADPKD) End Stage Renal Failure Pyelonephritis The content of the concept map must include:...
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