Water Sanitation
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Dear Writer
I’ve only one assignment for this week but it is a little bit longer.
The assignment of this week consists of two parts which are completely separate from each other. The FIRST PART is like usual has two questions to be answered while the SECOND PART is another requirement of this course which accounts for 8 from the final grade. As I’ve mentioned, both parts are separate from each other; however, both questions of the first part have a relationship with part two.
I want before I explain what I need exactly to remind you with the information of this course to write and do search based on the nature of this course:
COURSE NAME: International and Humanitarian Disaster Management
COURSE DESCRIPTION: International and humanitarian disaster management has steadily evolved over decades. The increased emphasis on global disaster preparedness from both governmental and private sectors has widespread application across all borders. Through the exploration of disaster models, public health principles, economic, social and political elements, students will explore the application of the disaster cycle.
I will order four pages to do both parts, which should be 3 pages for the first parts and 1 page for the second part.
Kapur, G.B. and Smith, J.P. (2011). Emergency public health preparedness and response. Sudbury, MA: Jones & Bartlett Learning.
Coppola, D. P. (2011). Introduction to international disaster management (2nd Ed.). Burlington, MA: Butterworth-Heinemann. (available online)
READINGS: as assigned
Web sites:
Let me, please, offer the description of PART TWO (in three pages of the four and 5 references) as it is mentioned in our syllabus:
Worksheet on Water/Sanitation: Complete the worksheet provided applying the Sphere principles and class materials. Present your findings by a short audio or video presentation to include principles and application to the designated environment.
My professor sent me more description when I asked him to do so:
As to water sanitation worksheet…I simply ask that you discuss how would you manage this scarce and important resource called water under difficult conditions like a disaster be it man-made or natural….also, how would you reduce water contamination among residents and ensure that supply chains are ready to provide for drinkable and safe water.
PART TWO (has a relationship to part 1): ( in one page and maximum of 1 references or even without references because it is about personal impression that can be answered without a reference)
1. Identify what you think is the most meaningful approach to the provision of clean water and effective sanitation. Why?
2. Using the worksheet identify any difficulties you see applying the principles to actual cases.